
12 September, 2017

Naturhouse enters the Irish market, bringing its international portfolio to a new total of 33 countries

  • The company will operate in Ireland through a master franchise contract, with 19 centres forecast to open in seven years.
  •  Naturhouse’s arrival in Ireland almost completes its presence in the English-speaking market, with the company already present in the United Kingdom and the United States.


Madrid, 11 September 2016.- Naturhouse, the company specialising in the sale of diet products and dietary re-education, has taken another step forward in its international growth strategy with its arrival in Ireland. With the opening up of this new market, Naturhouse is now present in 33 countries.

Naturhouse’s arrival in the Irish market comes through a master franchise agreement with local company Value Pharmacy Retail Solutions Limited, owned by businessman Francesco Paolo Iacovelli. With this agreement, Naturhouse will open a total of 19 new stores over the next seven years. The master franchise model is selected by the company for markets where socioeconomic conditions recommend this kind of approach.

Ireland is currently showing one of the most positive macroeconomic performances in the European Union, while also being among the markets with the highest income per capita, which means we can be optimistic about Naturhouse’s performance in the country.

According to Félix Revuelta, Chairman of Naturhouse, “Naturhouse’s arrival in Ireland is a step further in our growth and consolidation process for our European market. The country’s excellent macroeconomic outlook, along with considerable international experience, means we envisage a positive performance for our business model in Ireland.”


About Naturhouse

Naturhouse is a Spanish business group listed on the Spanish stock exchange that works in the diet and nutrition sector, with a proprietary and distinctive business model based on the “Naturhouse Method”. The method combines the sale of food supplements with free, personalised advice and monitoring from a qualified specialist. Since it opened its first shop in the Spanish city of Vitoria in 1992, Naturhouse has provided advice to more than 6,500,000 people. The company, which operates in 32 countries, had 2,353 centres at 30 June 2017, both directly operated and franchises. Naturhouse is the only diet food business to be present throughout the whole value chain, from product development and manufacturing to sales and customer assessment. This, alongside the business’ low investment requirements and an attractive return for franchisees, has meant the company has received numerous awards. For seven consecutive years, it has been selected as one of the top 100 franchises worldwide by Franchise Direct.


For further information, please contact Tinkle Communications:

Sarah Estebanez/Sara Medina (+34 91 787 70 80)

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